With Zoho Calendar's
Offline Support, you can now access your events sans the net! So for
anyone struggling with connectivity issues, simply choose the offline
mode to check events.
Setting Up Offline:
1. Install Gears
mode requires the Gears browser extension. Given below are a few steps
to activate your gears if you don't have it installed on your browser
Click on the Setup Offline link on the top
bar,and you will see a small dialog box displayed. Click on "Download
and Install Google Gears" and you will be redirected to a page to
install gears.
After you have installed gears in your system, restart the browser

2. Gears Security Warning
throws up a warning pop up every time any application needs to use the
gears functionality. In the first instance of going offline with calendar
this warning will be displayed. Click on 'Allow' to store information
on your hard drive or 'Deny' to cancel the storage

Please note that clicking on 'Deny' will not allow any events to be downloaded locally.
Offline Settings:
Click on the Setup Offline option to see a small dialog box displayed. The offline settings options are provided
You have the option to create a Desktop icon of Zoho Calendar offline for easy access.
Click on Setup Offline to complete the process. The set up might take a few minutes.Disabling
offline mode is as simple as it gets. Simply click on
OfflineOptions->Offline Settings and click on the Remove Offline
Setup from this Computer option. This action is recommended if you dont
intend on using the particular computer for future use.